On August 16, 2023, HNH moves to its new office in Webster, NY. Find us at1630 Empire Blvd., Suite 3B, the new home of Heisman Nunes & Hull LLP, experienced attorneys.
Photo by Paul Nunes
Rochester Business Journal Reader Rankings 2022
HNH is Best Family Law Firm and Best Mediation Firm
​Heisman Nunes & Hull recognized as Super Lawyers© and Best Lawyers©
​Rochester, NY - September 25, 2021. All three of the found attorneys of Heisman Nunes & Hull LLP -- Lew Heisman, Paul Nunes and Ron Hull -- were recognized by their clients and peers as Best Lawyers© and Super Lawyers©. Click for more.
"[M]ediation remains a surprisingly robust area of legal practice, says Paul Nunes, a longtime local litigator with Heisman, Nunes & Hull LLP. Nunes estimates that serving as a mediator accounts for as much as 25% of his practice."Rosenbaum seeks career as a mediator by Will Astor, May 4, 2020, click on logo or title to read
HNH firm adapts well to new normal: April 1, 2020, Rochester Beacon, Rochester NY
"Courts shift to videoconferencing" by Will Astor, Click on title or on Beacon's logo for article
Press Release - May 6, 2019, Heisman Nunes & Hull LLP Opens New Firm in Rochester NY
“The only constant is change,” says Nunes. Sage words from one of the partners at the newly established firm Heisman Nunes & Hull LLP, which opened its doors on May 6th, 2019. The new firm is the endeavor of award-winning New York Super Lawyers Lewis J. Heisman, Paul V. Nunes and Ronald G. Hull, who recently left Underberg & Kessler LLP, where they practiced law collectively for over 70 years. ... Read more
Lewis J. Heisman 585-270-6242
Paul V. Nunes 585-270-6201
Ronald G. Hull 585-270-6207